Ample Parking Available
There is more than enough space for a car in front of each room at the Club Motel Armidale so that you will be sure of getting a convenient space near your door. Easy to enter spaces for nose in parking and there is plenty of room to back up and go to and from the motel with ease.
If you are travelling through Armidale and need a quiet place to rest overnight look no further than Club Motel Armidale. All our rooms are at ground level, you can duck over the road for a delicious meal at the bowlo and it’s a short walk from leafy parks and ponds.
We welcome you to stay for a night, a week, a month or however long you need whether for work, study, travel or just to get away from things for a weekend.
Easy access car parks
The Club Motel Armidale is all at ground level and carparks are adjacent to the room doors.

Lots of space for all our guests at Club Motel Armidale