Top Playlists for Your Road Trip to Armidale

February 15, 2017 Road trip

Those who love to travel will definitely agree when we say that, sometimes, the best memories are made not at our destination, but on our journey. This is especially true when you go on a long road trip with your loved ones. Road trips are a great way to discover hidden wonders in your neighbourhood […]

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Snacking on the Road

January 19, 2017 Uncategorized, Road trip

The Best and Worst Snacks You Can Bring Finally, you and your family get to have the dream vacation you have been looking forward to all year. Are you looking for a place to go where you can maximise your limited time, take advantage of great sceneries, and enjoy cheap motel accommodations? Then a road […]

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How to Entertain Yourself on a Road Trip

August 26, 2016 Road trip, Activities, Armidale

Road trips always sound fun and exciting while you are planning them. But after hours on the road towards your Armidale motel, you’ll have to find ways to entertain yourself before you go mad inside that cramped car. Once you have run out of things to talk about or grown tired of the scenery, here […]

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